The fine old art of bargaining or haggling is a popular practice that most foreign nationals visiting Thailand’s capital of Bangkok resort to on almost a daily basis. In fact, sharpening your negotiating skills will bode well for you especially, when the thought of accessing busy local marketplaces filters through your mind. During the course of this article, the reader will be educated on the best practices of haggling which also includes knowing when to rein yourself in.
Duke's Marketplace | img via flickr
Only serious buyers must haggle
Never be found wasting your time or that of the seller’s as if you are not serious about what you want to buy, then it would be beneficial to all parties concerned that you utilise your time on other aspects of the city.
Never agree to the first price
When wandering through the city’s markets, you are bound to be coaxed into pausing and taking stock of the prices quoted for fancy ornaments, beautiful attire as well as the latest electronics to hit the market. The sellers will endeavour to sell you their products at the most profitable rates and a smart way to navigate the ensuing discourse will be to never agree on the initial price quoted. Be mindful that the actual price of the good or product will be around 25% - 50% less than the figure quoted.
Walk around
The more marketplaces you visit, the better your idea will be of how the buyer-seller relationship is looked at by the Thais. As you cover different parts of a market, never shy away from exchanging pleasantries with the locals so that you give them the impression that you are not here to waste their time or have them at the receiving end of a raw deal. During this time, be your boldest self and inquire on the price of a particular good from several stalls which will help you develop an understanding of how you should approach the task ahead.
Have fun and always smile
Shopping in Bangkok or even Thailand as a whole, must be made into a fun-filled experience where you leave with happy memories and perhaps, some new friends. Negotiate with a smile and never be found sounding argumentative or getting into confrontations you very well know you can’t get out of. Understand that the locals too have bills to pay and mouths to feed and this is why being considerate, kind and courteous will get you exactly what you need. Even if you can’t agree or obtain the price that you earnestly want, always make it a habit to smile politely, laugh it off and move on to the next vendor. Also, putting on quite the show will leave you in good stead. In this sense, whenever the first price is mentioned, act surprised. You may also go a step further and utter a deep groan or even sigh louder than you’ve ever done before. In short, do whatever it takes to persuade the seller to see things from your point of view but as referenced above, do so in a fun and non-confrontational manner.
Try walking away
A good way to master the art of bargaining within Bangkok’s markets is to quickly move away after uttering a polite “No thanks!” The chances are that the vendor whose stall you just left behind will call out to you and in turn, offer you the product for the price that you quoted. However, if you don’t find yourself in the middle of such an occurrence, then waste no time in being on your way. As a buyer, you will increase your chances of being called back if you negotiate at 1/3rd of the seller’s price and at times, starting even lower will do you no harm whatsoever.
Avoid upmarket malls
The task of haggling must be accompanied by an astute mind and attitude. Therefore, if you happen to be staying at a Bangkok hotel near shopping mall complexes such as Maitria Hotel Sukhumvit 18, then it will be wise to leave your best negotiating skills for some other time as the malls and upmarket stores will not encourage such a course of conduct. Similarly, 7-11 outlets must stay well clear of when you want to haggle your way through the streets of Bangkok.