20 Nov

Siem Reap is breathtaking and intriguing at the same time. If you’re one of those lucky people to be able to explore this beautiful city, you might be wondering about transport. The city is small and fairly easy to get around. You have a lot of transportation options including Tuk Tuks, bicycles and motorcycle taxis. Let’s take a look at each one in more detail. 

Image via Wikimedia Commons - Milei.vencel, A road of Siem Reap, CC BY-SA 3.0

How to get to your hotel from Siem Reap Airport? 

There are three main modes of transport travellers usually rely on to get to their hotel from Siem Reap airport. You can get a taxi from the airport. If you’ve booked one of the hotels near Siem Reap Airport, the taxi ride will be smooth and fast. The city centre itself is about 20 minutes away from the airport, and hotels such as the FCC Angkor are merely 16 to 18 minutes away. You can expect to pay a fixed taxi fare of about 10 USD for a taxi that can carry 3 passengers. A tuk-tuk (Cambodian remork) ride will be less expensive, but there isn’t a lot of legroom in these vehicles. A tuk-tuk can fit about 3 to 4 passengers. The cheapest option to get to your hotel from the airport is the motorcycle taxi. You can find one of these for around 2 USD. 

How to travel in a remork (Cambodian tuk tuk)

Remork is a popular passenger vehicle in Siem Reap. The remork is actually a trailer attached to a motorcycle. The rates depend on the duration and distance. A short trip across downtown Siem Reap will cost you about 3 to 5 USD, but remork rates are negotiable. If you wish to hire a remork for an entire day at the Angkor Archaeological Park, you can expect to spend about 40 USD. You can find an English-speaking remork driver through your hotel. 

How to travel by bicycle in Siem Reap

Travelling around Siem Reap by bicycle in Siem Reap will cost you as little as 1 USD. You can find bicycle rental shops near the Old Market and Wat Bo Road. Don’t forget to get your safety helmet and lock. Typically, standard bicycle rent is around 1 to 3 USD per day. However, a mountain bike costs about 10 USD per day. There is a not-for-profit organization called White Bicycles that offers 50 bikes to some hotels and guesthouses for about 2 USD per day. Their earnings go into funding clean water projects and scholarships to Cambodian kids. 

How to travel by motorcycle taxi in Siem Reap?
Fondly known as motos, motorcycle taxis are usually parked near hotels and well-frequented attractions. A good rule of thumb when getting a moto is to have the address you wish to travel to written down in Cambodian. Most popular downtown trips cost about 1 USD. However, trips to places such as Angkor Archaeological Park, Prasat Banteay Srei and Tonle Sap Lake will cost you more. It is best if you negotiate the final price with the driver before you start. 

How to rent a motorcycle in Siem Reap?

Until the year 2016, motorcycle rentals were illegal in Cambodia for foreigners.  Hence, only a few places offer motorcycles for rent. The cost is about 13 USD per day. Remember to get your safety helmet and have the international license ready. Green E-bikes offer electric motorcycles for 13 USD per day. You can charge these bikes at designated areas across the town. An hour’s charge will get you around for about 5km, and a full charge will last for about 42 kilometres. The good thing about renting your own motorcycle is the freedom it offers for a true explorer.  

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