17 Apr

Cambodia is a beautiful country that is rich in culture and history. When in Cambodia, you should make sure to respect the local customs and traditions in order to have a safe and enjoyable trip. Read this guide and discover important tips for staying out of trouble while visiting this amazing destination.

Image by Serge Grebenik from Pixabay  

Take off your shoes before entering a home

In Cambodia, it is customary to remove your shoes before entering a home, temple, or any other sacred place. This is a sign of respect and cleanliness. So, make sure to follow this custom when visiting someone's home or a temple to avoid offending locals.

Choose the right accommodation

When choosing your accommodation, you should consider your budget and preferences. You have a vast array of options to choose from, ranging from budget-friendly hostels to luxurious resorts.If you want to stay at a central location and explore historical sites, for instance, you should consider staying at a place like Anantara Angkor Resort, which is a popular boutique hotel in Siem Reap.

Be careful when interacting with monks

Monks are highly respected in Cambodia, and you are expected to treat them with the utmost respect. Do not touch a monk or his robes without permission, and do not stand higher than a monk when he is seated. Also, women should not touch or hand anything directly to a monk.

Don’t use your left hand to touch food or eat food

The left hand is considered unclean and is reserved for personal hygiene purposes only. When eating, always use your right hand, and do not touch food with your left hand. Also, you shouldn’t point at anyone with your feet.

Learn the local language

If you learn a few Khmer phrases like saying hello, thank you, and please, it can make a great difference in how the locals treat you during your trip. They'll be impressed that you are making an effort to speak their language, and it'll make your trip more enjoyable.

Dress modestly

Cambodia is a conservative country, and you should make sure to dress modestly in public.Avoid wearing revealing clothing, and always cover your shoulders and knees when entering a temple or other sacred site to show respect for local traditions.

Learn to haggle

Haggling is a common practice in Cambodia, especially at markets and street vendors. You should learn how to haggle and negotiate prices in a respectful and friendly manner. Remember that bargaining is part of the local culture, so don't be afraid to negotiate for a fair price.


Public displays of affection, like kissing or hugging, are not commonly practised in Cambodia. This also includes holding hands. This may seem a little extreme, but remember, Cambodia is a conservative country.

Choose the right time to visit

The ideal time to visit Cambodia is during the dry season, spanning from November to April. The climate is typically warm and dry, with negligible chances of rainfall.However, keep in mind that the peak tourist season is from December to February, which translates to bigger crowds and higher expenses. On the other hand, if you want a more tranquil trip, consider visiting during the shoulder season from May to October.

Steer clear of secluded spots

While Cambodia is generally a safe country, you should exercise caution when travelling to unfamiliar places.Avoid walking alone at night or in secluded areas, as these areas can be more dangerous. Stick to well-lit and populated areas, and consider travelling with a companion or in a group. Also, be wary of scams and pickpocketing in crowded tourist areas, and keep your valuables secure at all times.

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