20 Jun

Angkor is an ancient temple complex in Siem Reap, Cambodia, a remnant of the Khmer civilisation that contains many famous structures, such as the famous Angkor Wat temple. Consequently, it is a top-rated tourist destination, with over 2 million tourists visiting annually. Siem Reap has adapted to this with accessible travel options and comfortable accommodations. This guide will show you how to plan your trip to Cambodia so you can share this immersive experience.

Best time to visit Angkor Wat

Of course, this must be one of the first things you have in mind when planning a trip. After all, you don’t want to go at the wrong time and ruin your stay. As a tropical country, Cambodia typically has a warm, humid climate. Typically, the dry season from November to May is when visits are most likely to occur, as the dirt roads are easier to navigate, and you can walk around in the open without fearing a downpour. However, this will be when the crowds are at their peak. If you prefer a less erratic time for your visits, you should visit between May and October, during the wet season. Although there might be heavy rain, they usually occur only around once a day, and when the rain fills up the canals and moats around the site, you can marvel at the impressive feats of ancient hydraulic engineering at work. 

Dennis Jarvis, Cambodia 2638B - Angkor Wat, CC BY-SA 2.0 

Travelling to Cambodia 

To enter Cambodia, you will need a tourist visa, which can be obtained either online or upon arrival. It is even possible to get it when you cross the border. Make sure to bring along 2 passport-sized photographs, which is a requirement for the visa application process. It is advisable to pay the exact fee of $30 so as not to get caught up in scams. The most recommended form of travel to get to Siem Reap would be to take a flight from a neighbouring South Asian hub such as Bangkok. While this is not as economically convenient as travelling by road, you are less susceptible to the various scams that exist, with there being several instances where tourists that choose to travel by road are grossly overcharged by bus and cab fares. However, if you do choose to travel by road, you’ll be well advised to hire a travel agency to arrange all the required modes of transport to and from Siem Reap. 

Getting from Siem Reap to Angkor Wat 

Once you have settled in Siem Reap, it is quite easy to get to Angkor Wat from there. Most hotels such as Anantara Angkor Resort are a mere 15 minutes away from the site, and the hotels will be willing to help arrange transport for your ease, be it a taxi, tuk-tuk, or even bike. As you will likely be unfamiliar with the surrounding, hiring a guide will be very useful, not just to show you around, but because they’ll be able to give you in-depth explanations about the locations you visit. They can also help you avoid massive crowds and give you the ideal times to visit the temples. If you want to relax before setting off on (or even between) your archaeological adventure, take a look around Siem Reap. Things to do would include checking out the local cuisines, hitting the local bars and even enjoying the vibrant nightlife the city has to offer. 

Angkor Wat Entrance 

There are three types of tickets that you can pick from at the entrance to Angkor Wat Archaeological Park. The packages are a one-day pass for $37, a three-day pass for $62, and a seven-day pass for $72. A three-day pass is the best option for you, as it can be used over a week, which gives you just the right amount of time to explore the entire site on your own time. Bewilderingly, the ticket office for the site is located on Charles de Gaulle Road, southeast of Angkor, and you need to provide a photograph to obtain your ticket. 

Tours in Angkor Wat 

As mentioned, a three-day visit is the best possible period for you in order to cover the entirety of the site, getting the chance to explore the smaller, less popular temples as well. These smaller temples can be covered in about an hour, while the larger ones will take about 2-3 hours to soak in. Temples in Angkor Wat are open for public viewing from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. This is with the exception of three temples, which open early so visitors can be treated to a breathtaking sunrise, and in the case of one temple, sunset too. The times for the three temples are as follows:

●  Angkor Wat and Phnom Bakheng: 5 am to 5:30 pm

●  Pre-Rup: 5 am to 7 pm.

These timings give you plenty of time to enjoy the vast array of beautiful features the complex has to offer, and what could be a better addition than seeing the sun in all its glory?!

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